A Film by Jake Parrish, Danny Miller, and Drew Castellaw
For Jim Pearson, running is a way of life. Pearson, 70, has run at least one mile every day since 1970 and has won numerous long distance running championships throughout his career. Even though his daily run is a part of a national record streak, he also uses it to be closer to his son, Hopper. After receiving a severe wrestling injury in high school, Hopper was prescribed pain medications and became addicted to them. This ultimately snowballed to a heroin addiction that lasted over three years. Now five years sober, Hopper runs daily with his father as part of his sobriety.
Music bybensound.com
A small and tightly bonded group of friends conquer their fears and push the limits while bombing down hills at speeds upwards of 45-miles-per-hour on downhill skateboards. For more on the story, see Devin Heilman's piece here: goo.gl/eGE3Fl
Part of a multimedia package for The Coeur d'Alene Press.
Video footage by Jake Parrish, Shawn Gust and the skateboarders.
Produced by Jake Parrish.
Nate Breazile of Coeur d'Alene spends up to eight hours carving intricate designs into pumpkins using X-Acto knives and stencils. A perfectionist, Breazile will achieve depth with his picturesque carvings by not only cutting out portions of the pumpkins, but shaving and sanding the skin. Watch him as he carves a scenic view of the Coeur d'Alene Resort and marina as his 10-year-old daughter Mischa carves designs of her own.
Shot and produced by Jake Parrish.